New Mexico chicas making history

Our New Mexico group covers the entire land of enchantment! We currently have 4 ambassadors: one in southern NM, two in central New Mexico, and one in the Northwestern part of New Mexico. All of our ambassadors are passionate about their desire to bring our women out in a group setting to enjoy the outdoors and indoors of NM with activities such as hiking, camping, backpacking, ice skating, roller skating, painting, meet and greets, and more. Some of our fun events that we have coming up this year will include a lot of hiking, backpacking to hidden gems, camping out near amazing locations, and even a few retreats! Stay tuned for our coming events; you definitely don't want to miss out on them.

Yesterday was International Women's Day, and we had a blast getting together as many of us got to meet for the very first time ever! We gathered to share about ourselves, our adventures, and future event ideas, and most importantly, we left feeling inspired by one another as we validated our amazingness as women! In observance of the holiday, we also were honored to celebrate International Women's Day at Bow and Arrow Brewing Company, located in Albuquerque, NM. This is the first Native American woman-owned brewery in the U.S, the owners are Shyla Sheppard and Dr. Missy Begay; they are so down to earth!

We had the privilege of being welcomed to their brewery by Shyla! Talk about making history! The amazing part about this company is that many of their ingredients are local and indigenous to the area, such as the blue corn, sumac, prickly pear, and juniper that are used in their beers and hard seltzers. These ingredients also have cultural significance and are a part of the native land's culture. We also wanted to highlight this location because of their commitment to their community; they recently started a Native Land Beer Collaboration to celebrate Native American Heritage Month. They welcome any brewery across the country to brew their recipe and commit to donating their beer profits to Native non-profits; since 2021, they have been able to raise nearly 90k and 47 breweries have participated. As the title says it all, New Mexico Chicas are making history!

Written by Krystyna G for Women Who Explore


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